The Club offers two categories of bowling:
Full Membership
Full members have full bowling and voting rights and will be registered with Bowls Queensland to play in social competitions, Club Championships, District Championships and other Inter-Club competitions.
The annual membership fee is $120 and green fees of $15 per competition apply.
Associate membership
An Associate member can play in club social competitions on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and special events.
They can also use the green facilities for practice and roll ups.
If Associates want to play Club, Inter-club or District competitions they need to upgrade to Full Membership.
The annual membership fee is $60 per year and green fees of $15 per competition apply.

Bowling Days
Regular social competitions are held every Wednesday and Saturday commencing at 12 noon and usually last 3 hours.
These competitions are open to other club members as well.
A member’s raffle is offered and this funds competition prizes.
The club also has special bowling days such as The Walter Taylor Shield played against St Lucia Bowls Club and The Anzac Shield played against Red Hill Bowls Club.
See the annual bowling program below for all bowling activities.
➤ Display the Annual West Toowong Bowling Program – 2025

Booking for Social Competitions
Members, please e-mail by 5pm the day before to book into social bowls competition.
Indicate your name and day you wish to bowl.
Be at the club at least 15 minutes before the start of play